Illustration + design + comics

Hi! Thanks for stopping by! Who am I? Well, since 2006 I've been a professional illustrator, specializing in naturalistic figure drawing, cartooning, comic books, and logo design.
In addition to drawing by hand, I use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to create my work. The line between "illustration" and "graphic design" is blurry for me, since a big part of "graphic design" is composition and leading the eye, which I also do when illustrating. I subscribe to the view of cartoonist Howard Chaykin, who says, "Comic books are not illustration--they are graphic design in service of narrative." I also create 90% of the major typography elements in my illustrations that require logos and text, so... (shrug) It's really all a continuum.
Challenges excite me--I love to create things which I've never made before!
Professionalism is the ideal and code by which I live. In over a decade of freelancing I've never missed a deadline. I'm no prima donna--as much as I love my own ideas I'm always open to a better one. And though I'm humble, I'm confident that I'll carry your project through to successful completion.
I can't wait to hear from you!